“From the Ashes”, the newest era of X-Men comics, continues to grow. In what is already a landmark era for solo X-titles, Marvel Comics have announced another 2 series focusing on solo characters.
During San Diego Comic Con 2024, Marvel made a series of announcements. And yes, while the biggest among them might have been the return of Robert Downey Jr. to the MCU, the comic book side of the company also had a variety of news.
A Telepath, Ninja and Mutant walk into a bar
First up, Marvel Comics debuted cover art and a creative team for an all new Psylocke series.

Written by Alyssa Wong. Art by Vincenzo Carratù.
This new ongoing series was announced as part of Marvel’s “X-Men: From the Ashes” panel where Tom Brevoort and a variety of creators spoke to the plans that laid ahead for this new era.
Psylocke (specifically the Kwannon incarnation of the character) has been a real hit over the last few years. First headlining Fallen Angels, a moody and contemplative mini-series from Bryan Edward Hill (Ultimate Black Panther, Blade) and Szymon Kudranski (Action Comics, Spawn, Something Epic), and then moving over into the critically acclaimed Hellions, Kwannon has had genuine traction among fans and critics alike.
She’s also managed to maintained her significance throughout the transition between eras, as her status as War Captain of Krakoa has translated into a premier position on Cyclops’ current team in X-Men.
Marvel have confirmed that Kwannon’s new solo-title will be tied into her position on Scott Summer’s team, as she finds prominence under both Jed Mackay and Ryan Stegman’s stewardship, as well as Wong and Carratù’s.
During the panel, Wong spoke to the question at the core of the series: ‘everything in her history points her to the path of a villain. Her background is so full of tragedy—so why does she choose to be a hero?’
The tone of the book is set to be ‘dark’ but also ‘a tone of fun as well’.
Psylocke #1 releases 13th November, both physically and digitally.
The best there is at what she does
Following that first announcement, Marvel also revealed that another x-woman would be getting her own solo series too: Laura Kinney, the Wolverine!

Written by Erica Schultz. Art by Giada Belviso.
Much like Kwannon, Laura has had a tremendous rise in prominence over the last decade, but particularly during the Krakoan era.
Starring in series like X-Men, X-Terminators and even her own Blood Hunt tie-in X-Men: Blood Hunt – Laura Kinney: The Wolverine, it’s not hard to see why Marvel would want to keep the momentum going.
She too is starring in another From the Ashes series, NYX, but will also have time for her own misadventures over in this title. Unlike the stories in NYX however, which is set firmly state-side, Laura Kinney: Wolverine will see the character tackle threats to mutantkind all across the globe.
There is a real focus on the solo part of a solo-series, according to writer Erica Schultz, who mentioned, ‘Laura has dealt with a lot, and when she’s met her other clones, she’s asked herself ‘Is that the person I’m supposed to be? Am I fated to be that person? Should I take my own path, or end up like Logan?’ She decides to forge her own path. This will be her solo adventure.’
Another interesting detail: Schultz requested an all-female and non-binary creative team for this venture. Noting that the entire editorial team on the book was male, and recognising that the book required a personal, authentic touch, Schultz recognised the opportunity and need to diversify the rest of the team:
‘If this is a book about Laura finding her way in the world and where she fits, it’s not just about being a mutant. It’s about being a 21 year old woman in New York City. I’ve been that young woman (minus the claws and adamantium skeleton), and I wanted the team to show that.’
Erica Schultz’s Instagram
Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 releases 12th November.
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