While DC Comics is busy going “All In” at the tail end of the year, Marvel isn’t slowing down either. X-Men: From the Ashes continues to rollout new titles, and the ramifications of Blood Hunt hit the Marvel Universe at large, with two new series spinning out from its conclusion.
In addition, the Marvel October 2024 solicitations also see the debut of a host of other new series – some relaunches, others of the licensed variety. Here they all are, with their synopsis, creative team and more!
Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu

Writer: Jed MacKay
Artist: Alessandro Cappuccio
Colourist: Rachelle Rosenberg
Following on from Vengeance of the Moon Knight, and the massive paradigm shift that took place in Blood Hunt, Marc Spector returns to the mantle of Moon Knight in this new series! MacKay and Cappuccio continue their award-winning run on the character, with the Midnight Mission and its leader teaming up once again to mete out justice in the night.
This is technically not the first issue of the series though – Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #0 dropped in a surprise release during the vampire-centric event, so if you want a primer on how Spector has returned and what the current status quo is, be sure to track down a copy of that book (or catch up digitally).
Blade (Red Band)

Writer: Bryan Edward Hill
Artist: C.F. Villa
Another follow up to Blood Hunt, and one that seems obvious in hindsight but didn’t at the time is Blade (Red Band). Bryan Edward Hill (Ultimate Black Panther, Batman and the Outsiders) returns to the character in the October 2024 solicitations, as his previous run culminated just in time for the blockbuster event and seems to be picking up here.
Joined this time by C.F. Villa (Avengers), Blade will star in this five-issue limited series that unpicks the fallout both of Blood Hunt and, to a lesser degree, Hill’s Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt mini-series. Many broken vampire bodies pave the road of redemption, and Blade intends to walk every step…

Writer: Alex Paknadel
Artist: Justin Mason
One of my most anticipated books from the From the Ashes lineup, Sentinels promises to be a subversive and innovative series that examines the legacy of the mutant death machines, and sees if something new can be born from their miles-long shadow.
Alex Paknadel (Absolute Power: Task Force VII, Knight Terrors: The Flash) has been building a reputation as someone that finds both the heart and the intellectual ground to cover in just about every title he touches, and this time he’s joined by the expressive and characterful linework of Justin Mason (Spider-Punk). Also, for those interested in this be sure to check out Paknadel’s current run on X-Men: From the Ashes – issue #10 has begun an introspective deep-dive into Omega Red, someone who was utterly transformed during the Krakoan era and who is set to play a key part of this upcoming series. It’s fantastic too; that always helps!

Writer: Murewa Ayodele
Artist: Lucas Werneck
Second of the From the Ashes entries on this list, but second to no one in actuality, is Storm. This new ongoing series comes from Murewa Ayodele (I Am Iron Man) and x-alumni Lucas Werneck (Immortal X-Men, Fall of the House of X), and it sets out to continue the meteoric rise that Ororo Munroe has seen over the last few years.
From declaring “no thrones on Arrako” to taking the position of Regent of Sol, Storm has seen some of the highest levels of prominence in recent years since she was under Claremont’s pen. Now, Ayodele and Werneck pit her against challenges that will show she is beyond Omega level (with a host of guest stars along the way). Each issue has also been billed in a very episodic way, almost framing each instalment like an event unto itself. The hype is real for this one…
Star Wars: Ewoks

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Laura Braga
The first of two surprise Star Wars announcements in the October 2024 solicitations, Star Wars: Ewoks arrives on shelves October 9th. Steve Orlando (Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man 2099) teams up with Laura Braga for a four-issue mini-series that sees Imperial Bounty Hunters set upon by the valiant and carnivorous forces of Endor’s jungles.
I can’t imagine this won’t have a slightly comedic bent to it, which is a rare but always welcome addition to the Star Wars line. Very different in tone, but perhaps not setting, to another Steve Orlando series that pops up later in this list.

Writer/Artist: Declan Shalvey
Rounding out the third “instalment of X” in the October 2024 solicitations is Declan Shalvey’s Mystique. Raven grew to quite a significant position within the x-line by the time Krakoa had its swansong, so fans (myself included) are very curious to see where she’s headed next.
The last time Shalvey wrote and drew his own series was with Old Dog, his creator-owned spy book that grew from a classic genre piece to something really quite impactful and surprising by the time the opening volume closed. If that’s any indication of where Mystique could go, then X-Men fans are in for a tense and satisfying ride.
Conquest 2099

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Ibraim Roberson
Colourist: José Luis Soares Pinto
Delivering his fifth entry into the new 2099 continuity, Steve Orlando weaves another futuristic tale – this time focusing in on Nova, Dracula and all the other 2099 characters he introduced in the recently concluded Annihilation 2099.
Just like with that series, and all the 2099 mini-series before that (excluding Peter David’s throwback series with Miguel O’Hara) this will release more frequently than monthly. It features art from Ibraim Roberson, who most recently gave readers a truly stunning issue of Immortal Thor, as well as typically phenomenal covers from Leinil Francis Yu.
Iron Man

Writer: Spencer Ackerman
Artist: Julius Ohta
Perhaps my most excited announcement in the whole list, Iron Man is relaunching in the wake of the Fall of X with a new ongoing series!
The official synopsis reads as follows:
‘A NEW, BRUTAL ERA BEGINS! Roxxon and AIM team up to take on Stark Unlimited! But they’re ready for the old Tony Stark. This one? He’s a lot angrier than he used to be. Iron Man is going to war! New armor, old enemies, and unbelievable twists abound in this fresh take on a fury-powered Iron Man from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Spencer Ackerman and groundbreaking artist Julius Ohta!’
Iron Man #1 Preview, League of Comic Geeks
Series artist Julius Ohta has really impressed me on Hellverine, and before that with some scarily good pages in Aliens alongside Phillip Kennedy Johnson. With accredited journalist Spencer Ackerman by his side, this might be the most excited I’ve ever been for an Iron Man – especially one not tied in with the X-Men.
Star Wars: Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising

Writer: Alex Segura
Artist: Leonard Kirk, Stefano Raffaele
Finally, we have an unexpected entry into the Star Wars comics canon: a series detailing the events leading up to the famous Battle of Jakku!
This book, which releases fortnightly, follows the Original Trilogy heroes as they try to outmanoeuvre a reeling Imperial war machine. The Battle of Endor is only recently behind them, and the New Republic is in its infancy. How then, do Luke, Leia and Han find victory – and what will they lose along the way?
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